Sunday, November 11, 2007

Free at last!

Is it bad that I enjoy a night to myself without the hubby? I love him to death- but I LOVE having the bed all to myself. I can take all the covers, lay however the hell I want to, and toss and turn to my hearts content if I want to! Seriously, it's like heaven!

Matt's in Dallas all week. Lucky man. It's 35 degrees right now. He's living it up in 70 degree weather. What happened to the fall? Can someone tell me? Because it went straight from summer to winter. Do you know I saw FLURRIES the other day?? Flurries! In the beginning of November! Seriously, I don't remember that happening in NJ before. We don't usually get snow til at LEAST December.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE snow. I would love to move back to New England. However, I'm stuck in NJ. So you just learn to expect a few things.... like a nice fall season. Gradually reducing the temperature until it gets ball freezing cold.

Ok back to the alone thing. It's cold in my house, dh is gone in Dallas and I'm sitting on the PC writing in my brand new blog. I think I need a glass of wine to enjoy the solitude!

Ok, in the future I promise to get witty. I just don't have a damn thing to say and I wanted to write in my blog. I'm jealous of my friend who writes ass slapping funny blogs. I wanna be like her!

1 comment:

Clink said...

YEAH!!! Your blogging!!!!!! YEAH!!!!
I was totally upset when Spouse left our bed (my belly and the body pillow and the 3 cats kicked him out) for the guest room....But now...I am sorta loving that wrong too? Because if it is I am SO with you!